"I'd rather be hated for who I am, rather than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain
For those of you who don't know who that is, he was the 'leader' of the band "Nirvana". He ended up blowing his brains out after their first album, which hit number one spots on many radio stations.
Statistically speaking, the majority of psychologists have serious issues themselves that they work out with shrinks, doctors and meds.
My old bible study leader was an amazing speaker. Someone who was driven by the Holy Spirit and loved the Lord with all her heart. She knew her scripture because she knew her Lord.
She suffered heavy depression and dealt with it on a regular basis. That didn't make her any less of a great teacher.
Sometimes lessons that make us our strongest must first make us our weakest.
David - A great King of Isreal; Today we would call him a sexual offender.
Job - A light for everyone to have faith; Today the world would accept him as someone who doesn't deal with their problems and in need of psychological help.
Moses - A leader chosen by God; Today the world would criticize his stutter and tell him he should write a self help book instead.
Sarah - God told her she would have a baby, even at her old age she kept the faith in His promises; Today the world would tell her to give up, it's physically impossible. Then they would marvel at the "medical breakthrough" of her having a child and then make sure she had people who would take care of their child after their "soon to be" deaths from age.
We know God wouldn't give them a child unless he prepared them to be able to raise him right.
What this world says is not helpful, God makes perfect. Beautiful. "Don't let anyone bring you down because you are young"
I (not adding to the Word) say don't let anyone bring you down, EVER. God doesn't use us like we are, we suck. Pieces of filth. It is only after we give up our weaknesses to Him does He send us on missions. Missions to save lives, rescue people from this dying world.
If you love Jesus, you are born twice and die once.
If you don't, you are born once...and die twice.
I don't even know where I'm going with this, I think because of recent events taking place, being as weak as I am right now, I just need to write this down to assure myself that God is working amazing things in me and my friends.
It's truth. Even if I'm being a little hysterical. I know His promises never fail.