Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Journey

So God rocks. He does. If you don't know this, then choose to be with Him. Don't "try" God. You can't "try" Him. Go hard or go home.

Wednesday was great, we spent most of our day in meetings for our "tribes". The tribes are things we are placed in charge of - such as the college group, the highschool group, planning or accounting. very fortunate for I have the highschool kids (DSM - Desperation Student Ministry). They are the bomb dot com. You can't *not* have fun with them.

Ok, the fun part was not all the meetings about our tribes, it was setting up for our "Desperation night". That was the night that the Desperation band came out and played for over 12 different highschoolers, counting up to about 300-400 kids. The desperation band, first of all, is one of the greatest worship bands out there. If you havn't listened to them, you do not know what it's like to weep because of the love of Jesus.
So yes! We set up for that aannnd as we were getting our assignments (door greeters, name taggers, chair setters) I was pulled aside and asked if I could take the photos for the night!! OMG. It was awesome. I've never been "asked" to do that, I always just kinda do it cause I want to. So I was taking pictures of the bands, the kids, the prayers. IT. WAS. Awesome.
Probably the best part was when the pastor said his five min speech and asked who doesn't know the love of the Lord. About twenty kids raised their hands and accepted Jesus that night. It was awesome, but what was also cool was while they were praying with the pastor, was when I was walking through the crowd takin shots and I'd pass people and just hear "..nd take their hearts for yours God and..." "...rd they need you, be mighty in them to..." "...ace in their lives YOU every day Go..."
That was so cool, hearing all these believers praying for their new brothers and sisters. So cool.

Oh and a kid who hobbled in with crutches was healed and walked out carrying those very crutches. NBD (No Big Deal). NBD because THAT'S the God I believe in.

This weekend the guys have been serving a Men's retreat as the waiters and dishwashers, which is fine and dandy, but we are IN... the mountains. I do a 180 degree turn and see nothing but what looks like exploding aspen (cause the leaves are turning) and mountains. It's so beautiful.
Kylan and I rented mountain bikes and biked through the mountains for about two hours. I took my camera and got shot...after shot...after shot. It's so pretty. I'll put some up soon.
We got back and played some beach the mountains. Nothing better.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Adjustments

I was born to die. That the Son may live. Let the nation see. I was born to die.

A week ago, those words were just empty breaths, escaping my lungs. His love was real last week, this week, it's alive.

Time, these days, is so irrelevant. I spend several hours a morning in time of prayer, devotion and worship to the One true King. His love abounds in my life and my prayers. "The prayer of the righteous availith (sp?) much".

Sunday I had orientation. I met my leader, my accountability group and other interns whom I now consider family. In all honesty, orientation was bloody boring. =) We did get to do our "junkyard wars". The 12 (?) highschools that attend the youth for New Life Church all came and battled on fields of victory and defeat. We pitted highschools against one another in capture the flag and other games. All in all, it was a success.

Monday was a great connecting experience. We had team building exercises. Our magic boots we wore, our planks we walked, our push ups we persevered through. On that first day we learned that it wasn't that our goal should be to finish strong, it was to rely on each others strength, listen and trust in them. Some we finished, others we left incomplete, but in all of them, we rallied together and was victorious because we were a team. We suffered as a team, we celebrated as a team. Win.

We had prayer that night and of course, it was awesome. We prayed for each person one at a time, restoring hearts and sending forth warriors for the year that is to follow. The team grew stronger in Him.

Afterwards we all gathered together to go bowling, which wasn't as promising as it seemed. There was a league going on and the wait was too long. So we decided to forgo the destruction of armies of white pins and indulge in our sweet tooth. We all went to get ice cream and learned more about each other. We told stories of our past, bonded and shared.

Tuesday was quite the same. Much prayer, great teachings and more prayer. I, personally, already made some stellar friends. Kylen, Taylor, Talisha, Levi, Dori, Annie, Caleb and James are just a few of the names of my new family. I think this year is going to be one of the greatest years of our lives.

Wednesday night we had DSM (Desperation Student Ministry). It's for all the youth. Before DSM, however, we all prayed, worship and connected with God for the hour before for the youth and students. After and hour of that I felt ready to praise God. Which sounds weird because we just praised for an hour, but it's very hard to pray and praise when you are doing it on your own strength. It was great, being able to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice for Jesus and because of that our praise was heard by the heavenly host from above. I already love all the youth. Some are obnoxious, some quiet, some friendly and others clickish. Still, their heart for the Lord is evident and apparent. Which is a plus in my book.

I am going to go back a little and say that the first few days were the hardest because I wasn't sleeping well at all. Come around Wednesday I came to find out that most of my brother and sister interns were having to endure sleepless nights as well. An attack against us came from below as Satan and his armies attempted to hold us back from growing and learning. So we prayed and we are all sleeping so well now. =D

I have to cut this post short for I need to make it to worship practice. I love you all and am praying for you.


Friday, September 10, 2010

My New Beginning (teaser)

The smell of fabreze remains fresh in the room, two queen beds are occupied by my family while I take the fold out couch bed, all in all this was not too bad of a hotel.

Come the marrow I will begin my new life in Colorado Springs, Interning with Desperation. I guess I should get started on my novel...

This particular blog is just the beginning of many posts to come, but for now I must sleep, another six hours of driving awaits me tomorrow. =)

Love always,
Nigel Elvis <><