Every choice unwillingly has consequences on people known or unknown to you.
The actions we take will affect everyone around you one way or another. A life lesson to be learned from this is how those people answer your unspoken call is completely up to themselves. You may have opened a door to them, but they choose to walk through it or not.
To continue thinking that you made a person a certain way by the mistakes you made is not only self-destructive and problematic to others around you, but it is also extremely narcissistic.
Every choice we make has the potenial to butterfly effect in everyones life, seen or unseen. People are by nature products of their environment. They are imperfect, react and are all subject to murphy's law, they do however, always have a choice. They can choose to clam up, push people away, resort to humanistic ways of escape, keep the baby or not. We must always know that it may be the cause of pain, but is not the cause of choice. People either choose to react or respond. And that is their choice, and their choice alone.
What we do after wards is yet again, our choice. We can continue hurting ourselves looking for a way of escape, whether it's escaping what you know is right or what you know will ultimately help, or we can choose to give up the pieces. We are always saying how we are broken after something traumatic has happened, but that is always a chance to start anew.
I once was reading about chains, that held us to our past, being broken and it inspired me to start fresh. Upon said revelation I found a little dog tag chain that was unclasped. I proceeded to carry it around throughout the day as a sign that I am letting go of the past and moving on. It wasn't until I lost the chain that I realized that, metaphorically, I was continueing to hold onto the very chain I was freed from.
Those chains of old may have been broken, but we need to stop picking up the pieces and just let go completely to find true freedom.
Finally, to think for one second that you are the cause of someone elses path they now choose to walk is very vain. You are not the author of their story, you are not God in their lives who looks down on people and makes them do one thing or another. It is probably one of evil's best trick to make you think that you have all the control. Control of your own life, control of circumstances, control of her, him or them. It is most certainly a chain that is to be let go of.
The answer is simple, the choice is hard, but not out of reach.
Wow. Beautiful. :)