Mood: wishful Food: bleh none Crude: hill-billie thong
Robert Frost
"A man will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body - the wishbone."
Gotta love Bobby Frost, even if he can be a little weird at times.
It's funny how you can think you are walking on the path of eternity, everything is ok and for sure, and then out of no where you run into a group of feral house cats that scare you into on coming traffic. It's almost as if my fortress of solitude is now a stadium forever filled with highschool bands practicing 24/7. What do I do with life?
Sorry it's been so long since I've written, today was my ex girlfriends birthday and with this coming up, I havn't had much inspiration to write, unless it be self serving and emo. I just wish...nevermind. If I were to wish anymore, a genie would come out my ass.
Also nothing really exciting happens in the life of Nigel. Perhaps pizazz isn't something that happens to people, but rather is self inflicted. Can I really help if people look at my average life and not be amazed?
Lets see the things I could do
1. Rob a bank
2. Longboard down the biggest hill in my city
3. Tell my boss what a douche bag he is
4. Grow a mustache
5. Scientifically engineer mutant hamsters whose only purpose in life is to collectivly gather up all the change lying on the ground so that I would have a fortune (after I pay for all the equipment used to engineer the bloody rodents).
ok, now for the reasons WHY I cannot perform these miniscule tasks.
1. I am not johnny depp(public enemy), nor am I the Heath Ledger (joker) or billy the kid or anyone else who was criminal smart. I would probably end up robbing my own account.
2. I have already done this.
3. True the statment may be, however, if I have any hopes of not being kicked out of the rents, earning enough money to go to puerto rico for school in the summer, buy a two-thousand dollar camera, I will not speak such words (out loud)
4. Sure, that's what a guy who already is pronounced 100% Mexican but has no mex-blood in him needs. Especially since this guy is living in the south. Plus only a certain few men can pull off the stache and even fewer are they great men. Hulk Hogan, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill are several off the top of my head.
5. To have the funds to accomplish such a task would require the same genetically altered hamsters in the first place to gather the cash to supply said funds. Paradox.
Oh the life of me, how boring it may be.
I trudge along, doing nothing wrong.
Give me some excitment please.
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