"Girls are stupid, they should have rocks thrown at their heads."
I somewhat miss when the puppy love heartbreaks were the hardest things going on. When the greatest and highest law of life was that your mom had to drive you around to where ever you wanted to go. Back when I would run through the highschool hallways because I was late for class and run into people like anna hill, rebecca campbell, brian purkiss and others.
Life was so simple back then. The only worries I had was getting my homework done so I could call my friends before it was bedtime. Countless sleepless nights spent finishing procrastinated spanish homework. Persecuting parentals plagued my person.
Now I have a job that pays for my car, gas, phone, (soon rent and food), school full time and hopefully a social life.
I really did take for granted the time I had when I was in highschool.
*le sigh*
I haven't read my bible today, maybe thats why I'm so pissed off.
Or maybe the realities of life are finally catching up to me and I did nothing to prepare for them...
-hugs- I hate reality. Sucks.