Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Name(s) (above all names)

The Lamb that was slain
Blood drips from His Mane
Hear His mighty roar
in the Rain that is His name
He will downpour
but not be shaken
For He is the Rock
do not be mistaken
He is ruled by no clock
For He rules all of time
as He Shepherd's His flock
He is the Shrine we look up to
knowing that Sin is beat
and Death - Defeat
by the powerful Physician
who is in the position
Paying no tuition other than Blood
He died. Oh El Shaddai
You are the Adonai
The Giver and Healer
the Lover and the Sealer
of the promise.
These are the Names to Praise Him.
sometimes revealed in a dream
serving the winning Team
He is the King of Kings.
The Lord of Lords
is to be adored
Yeshua and Immanuel
Over comer of Hell.
Alpha and Omega
the First and the Last
Lover before there was Past
Hope of the earth
after the Future
giving us worth
healing our sutures.
These are the Names to Praise Him.
You are the Word
to be heard
forever we are safe
for You even feed the birds
No longer a waif.
I call you Savior
but you are Creator
and in my behavior
I will not waiver
and when I do
you find favor in me.
The ultimate Priest, Jesus
You slay the beast
we hunger for You God
The satisfying Feast
To Jehovah we applaud
The Prince of Peace.
The Husband and Father
Conquering the grave
You are the Son sent to save
and You pave the way down this narrow path.
After the aftermath of Your wrath
in Truth I stand
Author and Bread of Life
You are no knife
But rather The Sword
The Harpsichord of Holiness
Comforter, Commander, Christ.
These are the Names to Praise Him.
All Consuming Fire
You never grow tired
being the Cornerstone in which we rest our faith.
Deliverer and Gentle Whisper
Holy Spirit guide me
Light of the World provide me
Messiah and Leader.
Master when I'm cold be my Heater.
Mold me like clay
Oh Ancient of Days
be my Rabbi and say
here you stand
know that I AM.

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